
Miss Emma - NH Children's Mini Session

Say hello to 2 year old Emma who despite the cold and rainy conditions, still managed to have a whole lot of fun and look completely adorable during her session! May I have those curls please?

Emma wanted to hug ALL the trees!

She was so cute making sure that the whole bench was perfectly clean before she would sit on it...

It was completely worth waiting for. I didn't even tell her to do this cute pose!

Cassie & Phil (aka. Emma's Mom & Dad) - Thank you so much for being so great to work with! You helped keep Emma happy and smiling through the whole thing. That's a big deal because as you said Cassie, "It's hard being 2 sometimes." Emma hung in there and did a great job though! Cassie it was great to see you after so many years! (We went to high school together.) Your private online gallery with a whole lot more where these came from is on it's way for you soon so keep an eye on your email :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait, thank you so much Katie! Love the pictures so far!!
